Atomic habits by James Clear
In a nutshell, James Clear advocates making miniscule changes in daily habits in order to create long term change. So if you replace a daily biscuit with an apple, the long term result will be better health and potential weight loss. Of course, it works the other way round as well!
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I've never been to Bali, pictured above. Maybe you have. I hope you had a fantastic time. When I was younger I went to Australia a couple of times, partly to walk in the Victorian Alps and to visit Tasmania, an island full of the most amazing fauna and flora, including, of course, the famous Tasmanian devil, which I was privileged to see. These days, however, I prefer to take my holidays closer to home. This is me on my favourite beach in Scotland last August. You can probably tell how much I love walking on the sand and paddling in the cold, refreshing sea.
We all make choices, all the time, based on what we believe will fulfil us and make us happy. When you work with me, I know that you will find your way to the choices that suit you best. I would be honoured if you chose to make my part of your journey to being your best possible self.
Step Into The Dawn
I would love to see you experience your full potential for joy and fulfilment.
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